Friday, December 5, 2008

Fall 2008

Halloween lion! Roar.

Quinn the gymnast. He loves to play at the play ground. He is very strong and coorinated.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Summer fun!!

We have a lot of catching up to do. Summer has been so great, we haven't been inside much to update the blog. Here are several images to give you the flavors of August. Quinn plays in his shanty-town in the front yard.

It has been a summer of discovering all-things boy for Quinn. Cars, trucks, fire engines, tractors, motor cycles and anything large that makes noise is super-fantastic to emulate or even better, to explore. Here are several shots of the Grand Rapids Metro Cruise. "Vroom, vroom!"

"Mom, can I please climb up there?"

Friday night at the Metro Cruise.

Along with his interest in vehicles, Quinn loves shoes! He must have gotten that from Mom! In fact, shoes was one of his first words.

Quinn also likes dress up. Here he is in Mom's shirt. He has a constant smile and a great sense of humor.

Showcasing the seemingly permanent bump on his forehead.

Taking a break from climbing the rocks!

We visited several petting zoos this summe. Animals are a big hit with Quinn. Here we are befriending a championship sheep at the Michigan Fiber Festival.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Summer images

Lake Michigan is an exciting place to hang out!

Enjoying Dad!

Yucking it up at a family party.
Quinn is fully engaged in all things active and has developed a love of running, climbing, and just about anything physical. He has a few bruises to show for it but it doesn't slow him down.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer is happenin'!

Did we mention Quinn loves spring rolls? While his eating habits have broadened in some areas they are pickier in others. He eats very well with a spoon and mashed potatoes or potatoes of any kind are a big draw. Watermelon is his absolute favorite. (The stroller comes in handy as a highchair).

Quinn is off and running! He runs forward and backwards and also in circles. Here he is accompanied by his Grandma and Uncle Adam.

Friday, May 30, 2008

We are loving it!

So many exciting things have happened this last month. Spring is giving way to summer and Quinn's hair is short to match the season. He is growing like a weed. Last week we sent our cousin, Nicole, off to take the MCAT. We know she did very well.

Quinn tries a tamale for the first time and requests more. So delicious. Thanks, Lupita!

In Dad's new office. Quinn would like one of these stools for home.

Also in Dad's new office. Lots of glass to run into.

More of Dad's new office. Look how clean it is!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A beautiful day to run free!

Michigan has finally warmed up and has been in the mid 70's for 1 week. To celebrate Quinn visited his favorite Kazakh horse and then decided to cut 8 teeth all at once. It has been an interesting few days of fever, low appetite, crankiness and sleeplessness.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day at Lake Michigan

A beautiful, sunny day in West Michigan was spent at the beach. Quinn stayed closeby as he was a bit tentative about the sand.
The family catches some rays and fresh air.