It's been a long time since the last post. Life has been busy just hanging out. After a relentless winter spring finally seems to be coming! We welcomed the rain today and look forward to exploring spring flowers.

We've spent some time walking around Fredrick Meijer Gardens and the outdoor sculpture park. Quinn can roam free and seems to notice all of the trees, bushes and sculpted works.

We love frogs!!

A typical day at home consists of running the halls and getting our dog Mae to play. Quinn's favorite toys include blocks and Duplos.

Lately, Quinn has not had much of an appetite. He's been teething and is on antibiotics again for the 5th time as we anxiously await tubes this week. His ears have been infected since our arrival home. We hope the surgery will clear his little ears.

Weeks past Quinn's birthdate, we were still celebrating with gifts and lunch outings. People watching is intriguing. This must be mixed with a little flirting of course.